Thursday, April 24, 2014

Kyoaji, which translates as "the flavours of Kyoto", is arguably the most difficult restaurant to book in the world (by referral only and even by referral one must book at least 3 months in adv). It is one of the oldest kaiseki restaurants in Tokyo having opened its doors 47 years ago. Here Nishi-san has a very minimalist approach towards Kyoto cuisine as he really wants to showcase the different ingredients and let them shine. Nishi-san is considering retirement so you foodies should def check it out before it closes! #Kyoaji #京味 #Kaiseki #Kyotocuisine #KenichiroNishi #worldshardestrestauranttobook

Kyoaji, which translates as "the flavours of Kyoto", is arguably the most difficult restaurant to book in the world (by referral only and even by referral one must book at least 3 months in adv). It is one of the oldest kaiseki restaurants in Tokyo having opened its doors 47 years ago. Here Nishi-san has a very minimalist approach towards Kyoto cuisine as he really wants to showcase the different ingredients and let them shine. Nishi-san is considering retirement so you foodies should def check it out before it closes! #Kyoaji #京味 #Kaiseki #Kyotocuisine #KenichiroNishi #worldshardestrestauranttobook by jmui852 via

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